Chapter 5

Using Multimedia and Special Effects on the Web


Interactive multimedia and special effects are slowly coming of age on the Web. What was once characteristic only of the 640MB CD-ROM media is starting to be seen on the Web. Animated segments, platform-independent applications, and audio elements are now being utilized on the Web. As the capability of the much-talked-about Information Superhighway comes online, more cool CD-ROM-type stuff will be delivered via the Web due to increased bandwidth and sophisticated online programming languages.

Involving the User with Multimedia Graphics

Probably one of the greatest impacts that this new medium has on us is its capability to involve us with the content. We get sucked in by directly interacting rather than passively viewing. One of the most important precepts that media developers must be aware of is the fact that the first seven minutes of any media presentation, whether it be a movie, an interactive game, or a Web site, are the most critical. It takes approximately seven minutes to get drawn into a presentation. It's during this period that you forget you're sitting in front of a movie, television, or computer screen. By using the power of interaction, this time period can be reduced-reduced so that, almost instantaneously, the receivers of your information are drawn into your world. But how do you use dynamic graphic elements to draw your audience in? And what is realistic via the Web?

Realistic Expectations on the InfoBahn

Discussing multimedia use on the Web brings a mixed bag of reactions. Most dream of full-screen, audio-rich environments that literally resemble going to the movies or playing the latest, greatest interactive CD-ROM-based game. Well, it's not quite that just yet.

Multimedia on the Web is a strange critter. At one end, the high-bandwidth end, multimedia is great. Embedded elements that change and react to cursor rolls, clicks, and keyboard punches quite literally make multimedia seem to be the answer for everything. On the low-bandwidth end, however, users curse and swear at the elements that take so long to download. After they download, most low-bandwidth users are disgusted to find that the element is virtually useless or of no interest to them.

Knowing what can be realistically and effectively viewed by your audience is key, and it completely depends on your intended audience. It is imperative that you decide on a specific amount of deliverable content based on your audience's limitations. How do you know what is deliverable? For most consumers, 14.4Kbps to 28.8Kbps is the limit, meaning it will roughly take one minute per 100KB of information. Full-screen movies, large sound bytes, complex applications, or multiple multimedia elements per page can drive the composite size of a page to, well, several hundred kilobytes. If you are considering integrated multimedia, be cautious about how much you can deliver effectively.


Shockwave is Web multimedia in its infancy, comparatively speaking (see Figure 5.1). This is not meant to degrade Shockwave in any way; I love it, but give the technology a year or two and you'll be seeing Director Web applications that will compare to most CD-ROM-based applications.

Figure 5.1 : Macromedia's Shocked home page.

A point of confusion to most people is the difference between Shockwave and Afterburner. To view Shockwave movies via your browser you must have the Shockwave browser plug-in. To create Shockwave movies you must have Director and the Afterburner filter, which actually compresses your Director movie for use on the Web. Both the Shockwave plug-in and the Afterburner filter can be downloaded from Macromedia's site.

So what should you expect to do via Shockwave-full-screen animated sequences? Well, right now the majority of Shockwave-enhanced Web pages use dancing bullets and small animated buttons or logos. Some go so far as to animate entire pages, which can be somewhat slow depending on your machine and Net hook. For the most part, Shockwave gives you a way to attract attention and extend your browser's capability above and beyond HTML's capabilities (see Figure 5.2).

Figure 5.2 : A Shocked Web page.

If you decide that you want to Shock your pages, your site administrator will have to tweak some settings on your http server. The administrator needs to tell the server to recognize the Shockwave multipurpose Internet mail extension (MIME) types. This lets the server know what type of files they are and what to do with them. Have your system administrator set the following parameters on your http server:
MIME type: application
Subtype: x-director
Extensions: dcr, dir, dxr


What do you get when you take a group of individuals and separate them from a parent company to develop something new? You get something revolutionary like Java. Originally designed for consumer electronics, Java is quickly changing the paradigm of Web design.

Java is an entirely separate programming language from HTML. It is not designed to replace HTML coding but rather to supplement, enhance, and extend HTML's capability. It was also developed as a way to solve many of the problems with programming in C++. Being a separate programming language, Java can be used to program applications or other software aside from the Web. Its biggest impact is in Web development, however, and the implications for its use are quite vast.

Besides stand-alone applications, Java programming creates modules called applets-small programs that are utilized in HTML code through the <APP> tag. Applets are essentially small applications that are utilized over the Web. Because Java is object oriented, applets also serve as modules or code segments that can be reused with future applications. Due to its graphical capability, Java applets open the proverbial door wider, allowing more flexibility and greater utility on the Web (see Figures 5.3 and 5.4).

Figure 5.3 : A color-selection Java application.

Figure 5.4 : Game programming on the Web via Java.

Viewing and developing Java applications requires a 32-bit environment such as Windows 95, Windows NT, or UNIX GUI. In addition, your Net browser must recognize the HTML <APP> tag. Sun Microsystems has developed a graphical Web browser called HotJava that is specifically designed for Java applets. The browser, which resembles Mosaic, is currently available for 32-bit operating systems. Rumor has it that Sun is working on a 16-bit version for Windows 3.1 and Macintosh. Netscape version 2.0b and later, running on Windows 95, Windows NT, or UNIX, will also recognize the <APP> tag.

When a Java-enabled browser comes across an <APP> tag, it downloads the code for the specified application. After the code is downloaded, it is compiled, and the browser attempts to execute the code on the particular platform. Because it works in this way, there has been some concern about the possibility of malicious use of Java; however, Sun says there is little to worry about due to the multilayered security within the language and browsers.

Audio Elements in Design

Multimedia is much more than a static and dynamic graphic environment. Multimedia also integrates auditory data to create a multisensory environment. Several browser plug-ins are emerging that allow audio data to be streamed over the Internet in real- time. Several digital video stakeholders are working on plug-ins that allow video and audio. In fact, they will probably have several out by the time this book is printed.

One of the most significant contributors to audio streaming technology over the Net is Progressive Networks with its RealAudio plug-in ( I have been extremely impressed with the quality of sound that can be utilized via RealAudio. This is one to watch!

Embedding Multimedia Elements

Creating a Shockwave movie is relatively easy if you have a good understanding of Macromedia's Director software and the Shockwave plug-in (for more information on Director, see Macromedia's site at Use these steps to guide your task:

  1. Use Macromedia Director to create a small movie. Note that Director movies integrated on a Web page need to be small (preferably 100KB or less) to be effective due to download considerations.
  2. Once the movie has been created, filter it with the Afterburner software (download Afterburner from Macromedia's site,
  3. Embed the movie in the HTML code using the embedded source <EMBED SRC> tag. The most difficult aspect about this whole process is learning Director.

Using Tables to Format Graphics

As you begin coding your pages, don't be surprised if you have difficulty getting text to flow nicely around your inline images. It may require some tweaking-a technical term for playing with the code-particularly if you view it from a couple of different browsers.

One solution that may help as you're trying to get what you want: Consider using the HTML <table> tag to format text with graphics. The <table> tag makes the text format nicely around your images. It also reduces the amount of tweaking you have to do with your HTML code. A table is also a nice way to help format technical items such as a résumé or bibliography. Tables can also be very helpful if you are trying to format a large number of graphics for navigation bars or other functions (see Figure 5.5). Using regular HTML formatting for several graphics on a page can require a significant amount of tweaking to get them aligned and placed just right, but tables force graphics to behave in a very controlled way.

Figure 5.5 : Using a table to format graphics and text.

Creating a Table of Graphics

A table is simply a framework for organizing graphics on an HTML page. This structure overcomes one of the most serious limitations of HTML: its inability to place a graphic at a specific position of the page. Tables trick HTML!

You may want to add the BORDER option to <TABLE> to see the extents of the table.

  1. Create an HTML file with the following code:
        <TITLE>Graphics in a Table </TITLE>
            <CAPTION>Four By Four Graphics</CAPTION>
                <TH><img src="cell1.gif"></TH>
                <TH><img src="cell2.gif"></TH>
                <TD><img src="cell3.gif"></TD>
                <TD><img src="cell4.gif"></TD>

  2. Using images from your Web Workshop CD-ROM and the previous code, create your first formatted graphic. Substitute the actual name of each graphic file and ensure that the path to the graphic is correct.
  3. Experiment with images of different heights and widths and see what happens to table cell dimensions. Images inside table cells can be scaled and aligned like any other graphic on the page inside the <IMG SRC> tag.

Gather Information with Interactive Forms

Are you curious about who will be visiting your Web pages? Do you need to justify your site's existence, or do you have some pervading questions you'd like to ask your users?

HTML 2.0 allows one of the most functional features for capable browsers- the ability to create interactive forms. These forms are particularly useful to corporations, but they can also be used for individual sites or purposes. An interactive form can be designed to gather any information you want to gather (see Figure 5.6). Clickable buttons, radio buttons, and text fields can also be set up to aid in information collection. Then, the information can be automatically compiled and recorded on the http server for your use. Pretty cool, huh?

Figure 5.6 : Using interactive forms at your site.

Creating an Interactive Form

As with several other advanced features, forms require the use of external programming modules to work correctly. The creation of the HTML form itself is relatively basic, but the form page must know what to do with the information after it has been entered. This is where the CGI script takes over. The CGI script reads the information submitted by the user and writes it down. The CGI script can be very simple, taking the information and creating a text file on the server, or it can do a number of complex analyses of the data before writing it. Here I am going to focus on the simple end of recording the information so that you can look at it later.

Before you start the following task, you will need to have the CGI script you'll be using or know where you can find it on the server. Contact your site administrator and see if there is a CGI script for simply saving information from interactive forms. If one does not exist, take a look on the Web for a freeware CGI script to save simple information. A good place to start is Yahoo!'s site under programming languages. When you have a CGI script to work with, begin creating a form by doing the following (see Figure 5.7):

Figure 5.7 : A simple interactive form.

  1. Create an HTML file with the following code:
    <TITLE>Sample Feedback Form</TITLE>
    <H1>Sample Feedback Form</H1>
    <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="../cgi-bin/simpletextCGI">
    First name: 
    <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="first_name" SIZE=20 MAXLENGTH=20>
    Last name: 
    <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="last_name" SIZE=20 MAXLENGTH=20>
    <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="address" SIZE=50 MAXLENGTH=75>
    Enter feedback for this page below:
    <TEXTAREA NAME="feedback" ROWS=10 COLS=75>
    Thank you for your comments!

  2. Edit the line that begins with <FORM METHOD>. Change the portion that says ACTION="../cgi-bin/simpletextCGI" to the location and name of your CGI script.
  3. You can edit the size of the text entry fields by changing the SIZE, ROWS, and COLS settings.
  4. You can also set default text to appear in any of the fields by adding the VALUE option. For example, if I wanted the name JOE to appear by default in the first name field, I would change the INPUT line for it to
    <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="last_name" SIZE=20 VALUE="JOE" MAXLENGTH=20>
    This would cause JOE to appear in the first name field when the page is first loaded.

Next Steps

Now that you know how multimedia elements can be used on your pages, check out these possibilities:


I want to use some of the cool plug-ins you talked about in the chapter. I looked on my browser's site and couldn't find them. Where are they?
The best way to find a plug-in is to look on the site of the creator. Recently there has been a move toward developers delivering their plug-ins from their own sites.
How do you use this Shockwave thing? I bought the Director software, but there's no documentation for Afterburner or Shockwave.
Several Director sites have a tremendous amount of information on Director, Shockwave, and Afterburner. These sites include the following:

A very comprehensive location called the Shockwave Center is located at This site should answer most of your questions concerning Macromedia's Shockwave and Afterburner products.