The CD-ROM bound in the back of this book has been carefully prepared and researched so that you'll have various tools and examples to help you enhance your Web pages using CGI scripting. The entire CD has been linked with HTML Web pages so that you can access it via your favorite browser (there's even a browser included, in case you need one). You'll find that the Web pages often have links to the software programs on the disk, the graphics files and examples, and to actual sites on the World Wide Web (you'll need an Internet connection to use these).
Starting up the CD is simple. From within your browser, load the file loadme.htm. The first page will lead you to the next pages, whereupon you can choose what you'd like to see next.
Keep in mind that many of the programs you'll see on the CD are
beta versions, meaning that they're works in progress-functional,
but not with all the bugs worked out or all the features active
yet. We offer them so you can sample what their technology has
to offer and, if you're sufficiently tantalized, you can download
the latest version from the Web. But first, cut your Internet
connect charges by using the version on our CD.
Many of the programs on the CD are shareware, offered free for a period of time so that you may evaluate them and decide whether you would like to use them. If you find one you like, you can register with the software company, pay a fee, and receive a fully working version and possibly other perks. Please respect the efforts of the software authors who have toiled over hot monitors late into the night to bring you quality programs at reasonable prices |
We've organized the material in such a way that each program mentioned by the authors is found in a directory numbered after the chapter in which the reference to it first appeared. Some files may appear more than once if referred to more than once in the book.
You'll find links to other programs that may not have been mentioned in the book and were included because we felt they would help you develop the other aspects of a Web page in which a reader might become involved. A few of those programs are as follows: